Can you see the Cosmic Emu in the dark spaces in the Milky Way?
Aboriginal Skies: In the Land of the Lightning People (US)
Dark Sparklers: Star Law of Bill Harney (Australia)
This planetarium show celebrates the vast Star Law of Australian Wardaman Aboriginal Elder, Yidumduma Bill Harney, and his groundbreaking work with Dr. Hugh Cairns in their 2003 publication of Dark Sparklers. This presentation was conceived in the US by Yidumduma's student of over 30 years, Adelaide born Paul Taylor, in collaboration with Colorado University Astronomy Professor, Dr. John Stocke. Presented for over 15 years at Colorado's Fiske Planetarium, this show has been endorsed and co-presented with both Yidumduma and Dr. Cairns. Paul has presented at planetariums in UW Laramie WY, UN Omaha NE, Casper WY, and regularly in Adelaide SA.
You will hear the Wardaman Creation Story and Songs of the Dreaming and how it links to the Songlines in the night sky with stunning photo galleries of rock art, land, animals and video clips of Yidumduma, amassed by dedicated research over many years.
Paul directs the Yubulyawan Dreaming Project YDP. This show is a celebration of vast cultural legacy of Yidumduma.
Tech Outline:
Preferred: Planetarium with DigitalSky2 as your primary software.
Alternatively: Planetarium that uses a fish-eye or appropriate projector to play standard movie files on the dome.
Detailed Tech Rider
Star Show Photo: Mike Vanata |
Star Show Photo: Mike Vanata |
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